Electrochemical and surface analysis techniques AT SURF:
The performance of a material’s surface on the macroscopic scale is governed by its properties and characteristics on the microscopic and even the nanometer scale. To study and understand the phenomena occurring at the materials’ surfaces, state of the art research infrastructure with nanometer resolution is necessary. At SURF we can both chemically and morphologically characterise materials from the macroscopic scale down to the nanometer scale. Besides that we can also characterise the electrochemical behaviour of metal surfaces, both globally and locally. Moreover, SURF is in the unique position of having both advanced technological equipment and powerful electrochemical modelling tools, as listed below. Click on the links next to the equipment to view a detailed information sheet and research examples.

- (field emission) scanning electron microscopy & energy dispersive X-ray analysis - (FE)SEM-EDX. Information sheet (455.3 KB) "pdf"
- (field emission) Auger electron spectroscopy - (FE)AES Information sheet (290.37 KB) "pdf"
- X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy - XPS Information sheet (239.31 KB) "pdf"
- confocal Raman spectroscopy Information sheet (296.95 KB) "pdf"
- in-situ atomic force microscopy (AFM) Information sheet (282.29 KB) "pdf"
- glovebox Information sheet (203.51 KB) "pdf"

Complementary electrochemical methods:
- (odd random phase) Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy - EIS Information sheet (175.49 KB) "pdf"
- electrochemical stationary and non-stationary methods (linear & cyclic voltammetry, polarisation curves…) Information sheet (176.36 KB) "pdf"
- electrochemical reactors operating under different flow regimes (e.g., rotating disc reactor, wall jet reactor, parallel flow reactor) and environments Information sheet (165.1 KB) "pdf"

Local electrochemical tools:
- scanning vibrating electrode technique (SVET) Information sheet (213.31 KB) "pdf" / scanning ion-selective electrode technique (SIET) Information sheet (181.24 KB) "pdf"
- scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) Information sheet (169.1 KB) "pdf"
- scanning Kelvin probe (SKP)

Electrochemical modelling tools:
- Numerical software general approach Information sheet (180.64 KB) "pdf"