Iris De Graeve
Iris De Graeve (Master in Engineering Sciences: chemistry, 1995, VUB; PhD in Engineering Sciences, 2001, VUB) is full-time professor at VUB and vice-chair of the Dept. of Materials and Chemistry. Her research focus is mainly on surface engineering and analysis of metals, with many national and international academic and industrial partners. Projects (VLAIO, SIM, INNOVIRIS, FWO, HERCULES, AVN, MYRRHA and bilateral industrial projects) are on anticorrosion coatings (plasma, self-healing…), anodizing, chemical conversion, aluminizing, fundamental corrosion mechanisms (texture effects, liquid metal corrosion…), local electrochemical techniques (SVET/SIET, SECM, SKPFM…), metal surface creation mechanisms (subsurface creation, effects of recycling …), surface engineering of additive manufactured metals, and hydrogen impact on steels.
She is Chairman of the international research group ISEC between VUB and TU-Delft, Chairman of the interuniversity alliance Research Group MASS between VUB and UGent, active member in the interuniversity research group BUSU between VUB and ULB, Scientific expert in: FWO committee W&T3, VLAIO, jury Solvay awards. Reviewer for various high-level scientific journals, Norwegian Research Counsel and EU. Member of the organizing committees of various international symposia: International Symposium of Aluminium Surface Science and Technology (ASST; chairman in 2009), International conference on Self-healing materials ICSHM2014, International conference on Engineering Education for Sustainable Development EEDS 2016, 2017). Organizer and chairman of EUROCORR sessions on additive manufacturing of metals and corrosion. Organizer EUROCORR 2023 (with VOM, UMons, MateriaNova), Brussels, Belgium.
In the faculty of Engineering Sciences at VUB, she teaches courses on Chemistry and Materials Science, Surface engineering of metals and Biomaterials, in bachelor and master programs at VUB, ULB and Ghent University (joint programs).
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