Welcome to our website! Let me introduce you to the wondrous world of ‘Electrochemical and Surface Engineering’. Our team of professors, postdoctoral researchers, Ph.D. students, engineers, economists, supported by a professional technical and administrative staff wants to contribute to the societal and technological challenges of the 21st century. With a strong emphasis on durability and sustainability our focus is on the development of the next generation of high performing and multifunctional metal surfaces, their production and their applications. Why? Because some of the key mineral resources in our economy will be exhausted in the next few years if exploited at the present rates, bringing recycling and additive manufacturing in the picture. Because corrosion of metals is yearly costing approximately 1 to 5 percent of a nation’s GNP, based on direct costs only. Because renewable energy sources call for revolutionary energy storage systems. How? By our teaching, educating the engineers of tomorrow. By our research, learning how to modify, analyze and model bulk metal surfaces (on the nanometer scale), nanoparticles and -wires in interaction with their environment. By our services to third parties, sharing our knowledge with industrial partners and societal organizations.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you want to know more or follow us on LinkedIn.
Professor Annick Hubin
Head of the SURF research group